Well as you know all of us Penner kids are at
the Pauls' waiting for news from our parents in Winnipeg,so while we were waiting we took up a vote for who all thought it would be a girl or who thought it would be a boy,we got the results and they are 9 for boys and 8 for the girls!
So we are pretty close,but we hope it won't be to long before we find out.

Thank you everyone for your prayers.
We are praying!! You guys look so cute in the photo. It was funny seeing the Penners and Pauls side by side. Y'all look different when your all together!! What are the names and ages?
I vote girl!
This is SO exiting I can't wait!!!
Well, I was right girls :)
Love ya
Well now thats a big qeustion :)
(L to R)front row,Ruth 10,Raechelle 16,jen 18,Rita 13,Kerri 14,Megan 16 middle row Jesse 7,Raymond 8,Reuben 12,Caleb 11 Josiah 9 months Zach 9 front row Mikaya 2,Randy 5,Brooke 4,Nathan 5
OK I think I got them all
Hey Girls
It was so great that we could spend the past few days waiting TOGETHER,
Thankyou sooooo much for coming over,
Missing you so much already,
Love Ya ,
Love Ker
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