This summer once again we have been blessed with so many flowers to enjoy. As I walk around on the yard I can do no less but marvel at the many different shapes and colors God has created the flowers in.
Flowers have always been one of my favorite hobbies. This is a gift that got handed down to me from my Grandmother. She always had a big flower garden for as long back as I can remember. Each time we would come to her house she would ask us to come and see her flowers. And of coarse each time there would different kinds blooming. She took great joy in looking after them,not a weed could be found.
For most of my growing up years my mom would also let me have a part of a garden where I could put in flowers to my liking. After I was married my flowers turned out to be the kind that were not planted in one place in the garden,but ones that ran around the yard blooming everywhere! How exciting to see these kind of flowers growing up and flourishing the home and yard. But since they are older now and some of the children have a liking for flowers of their own,we get out the seed catalogue each spring,order some seeds,plant them in our house,take care of them until they are ready to be put out to face the storms of life and enjoy them throughout the summer.
Here are some of the kinds that we have been growing over the years. Some are annuals meaning you plant them fresh every year,others preannuals which come back year after year. These are alot handier as they make their appearance each spring.
Green Grape Vine
I love your flowers!!! They are beautiful!
These pictures don't even do justice to the beauty that is on your yard with all the variety of flowers your family has grown. I marvel every time we drive up at the beauty of it. I am hoping you passed that gene on to the daughter that lives on our yard now and maybe she can help me get some nice flower beds going around here. It just doesn't seem to be one of my giftings, even though I love flowers! Thanks again for sharing another part of your life living in His blessings :)
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