to walk to "The Church in the Wild wood" with our family. Here we are walking down our driveway.
We walked to a bush just across the highway from our yard and hiked into there for aways.
Here we have been camping as a family for some nights during the summer and therefore we have abit of a firepit and eating area there. So here we spent some time singing and reading the Living Word and just having some good family time.
It being nice and warm when we came home the children enjoyed some fun playing with water.
They hooked up the hose to warm water and had it spraying over the tarp making it slippery as they ran and slid across it.
Then saddling up their horses they took them for a ride across the freshly combined field.
Even though we were stranded and couldn't go anywhere,it sure is a good feeling that we can make some of the best memories right around home with the children gathered around.
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11
What a great day! I love it!!!
Nice to know that we can worship our great God anywhere and everywhere. I was wondering why I did not see you in church. I was told that the men had gone canoeing.
"We cannot shine if we have not taken time to fill our lamps. S.T.
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