Thursday, October 28, 2010

We've Got Snow!

My apologies for not keeping our blog updated,I can imagine that it's pretty boring already :) and I am really sorry.
This is what it looked like just two days ago,the grass was green ( a little anyway :) and we figured that we still might have some nice days.
But then yesterday we got up in the morning and this is what we saw.

Not very much but it looked white and it sure made it feel like Christmas was coming fast and that summer was actually over.

Friday, October 15, 2010


This spring we planted 85 acres of corn which we made into silage this past week. We had never planted corn for this purpose before. Throughout the summer as we went checking on it we were beginning to wonder where we would put ALL this feed. As the corn kept growing taller and taller we thought we might leave some for combing later on. But we ended up cutting the whole crop for cattle feed.
It as right beside our yard and at one point and time our youngest two boys thought they would take a short cut through the field. It was not long before they realized that maybe they should not of tried it. As so often is with a short cut it turned into a walk the long way around. Raymond had gotten Randy to get onto his shoulders,hoping he would be able to look over and see where they were. This was not enough height so they just kept on walking making it out at the end of the field. They both decided that they would find somewhere else to walk after that. Both were very happy to be safe,but had quite a tearful story to tell when they came in.
Standing in front of the huge corn!

It yielded about 16 tons per acre.
It is hard to know when the right time is to cut it. To much frost makes it to dry and not enough it can be to wet. But we were happy with the amount of moisture and green that it had when we cut it.
Once on the pile it needs to be packed.
After the pile is done it gets covered with a tarp so it is airtight and it can ferment.
This is only one of the three piles we made.
Another job done before winter sets in!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Well as I'm sure you all know that it was Thanksgiving on Monday but I just didn't get around to doing a post and I really wanted to so I figured I'd just go ahead and do one even though it is late. (besides we should always be thankful eh? )
Well I want to start by saying "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" to everyone,I hope you had a wonderful holiday!!!
Ok well I hardly even know where to start there is just so much!
But here it goes :)
I am so thankful and overwhelmed that Jesus died for MY sins and that He forgave and now I will see Him one day!
I'm thankful for my Mom and Dad,I don't know how to say it enough,they mean so much to me and don't know what I'd do with out them!
I'm so blessed to have a wonderful family.
You guys are the best!!
I'm thankful for:
Ryan and Yvonne.
For my horse riding partners,Rita and Reuben and Ruth.
For Josh and Becca (My Great older sister and an awesome brother!!)
Great friends!
(Love ya Jenny!)
Great times I'll NEVER forget,playing football,soccer and hockey with friends/family.
And my sisters at home,you girls don't know how much you mean to me,I love you like crazy!!
Sweet brothers always there to help :)

And me most adorably cute little nephew Andy!!

(thanks Josh and Becca :)

I'm also thankful that I can live in Canada,the most amazing place ever!

I can live for Jesus,in Freedom,I love the life of a farmer,the snow and the cold in the winter (to play hockey),and warm days in the summer,the freedom to do school at home with Dad and Mom,beautiful sunrises and sunsets,and so VERY much more!!

Thank you Jesus for everything you have blessed me with!!
So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will show forth thy praise to all generations.
Psalm 79:13

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beautiful Sunrise

This morning when Rita and I got up to do chores this is what we saw.

There was no wind and the reflection off of the water was totally clear and it was beautiful!
This is the sight we saw while driving down the driveway.

I wondered how it was possible that something like this would just happen every morning,and I was so amazed at how great our God who we serve actually is!

Some times we work so hard for something,and we make sure that it will be perfect and that people will notice us for what we've done but we forget who actually gives us the strength to do it,and I forget to praise Him for ALL that He has given me!

Say unto God,how terrible are thou in thy works! Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.

All the earth shall worship thee,and shall sing unto thee,they shall sing unto thy name. Selah.

Psalm 66:3&4

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Finished Harvest!

Thanks to the wonderful weather we have been having we were able to finish with harvest,the 80 acres of soy beans that we had left we we got combined this afternoon!
We are so thankful for another wonderful year where we could get all the crops off safely.

Enjoying the last meal out on the field for this year,it's been so nice out everyone really had a good time!

While the earth remaineth,seedtime and harvest and cold and heat,and summer and winter,and day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22